Well Locations (2010)
Well locations in Cambodia (2010)
This dataset contains information of well locations, water quality (arsenic, iron contamination...), drilling, digging and lithology. The well map database is an initiative of the Ministry of Rural Development of Cambodia, piloted with financial support from the Water and Sanitation Program of the World Bank, and published online in March 2010. The historical data of water quality, well and arsenic database were also contributed by the following organizations and projects including: Tonle Sap Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project funded by ADB, Resources Development International (RDI), UNICEF and World Vision International. This dataset is also available for downloading on Cambodia WellMap website in Microsoft Access format. ODC's map and data team has collected and converted it into shapefile, kml and geojson formats, then re-published on ODC's website.
License: CC-BY-4.0